MIT Engineers Develop DNA-Assembled Quantum Rods to Enhance TVs


MIT engineers devised a new technique for organizing quantum rod arrays that can potentially revolutionize TV and other display technologies.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Luminescent Down-Conversion Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Aligned Quantum Rods for Liquid Crystal Displays. - Abstract - Europe PMC


Applied Sciences, Free Full-Text

Biology, genetics, nanotechnology, neuroscience, materials science, biotech, chemical engineering, 3 d, super computing, quantum physics, energy, design, & sustainability

Quantum Rod Arrays May Boost TV and VR Device Performance

IBM Tech Times

A DNA origami rotary ratchet motor

Utilizing the Organizational Power of DNA Scaffolds for New Nanophotonic Applications - Bui - 2019 - Advanced Optical Materials - Wiley Online Library

Storing medical information below the skin's surface, MIT News

Quantum dots, MIT News

Biology, genetics, nanotechnology, neuroscience, materials science, biotech, chemical engineering, 3 d, super computing, quantum physics, energy, design, & sustainability

Quantum dots, MIT News

QT/ Carbon-based quantum technology, by Paradigm, Paradigm

From The School of Engineering At The Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “Arrays of quantum rods could enhance TVs or virtual reality devices” – sciencesprings

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