Chemists Create Gold Quantum Rods with Unusual Optical Properties - Mellon College of Science - Carnegie Mellon University


Carnegie Mellon Chemists Manipulate the Quantum States of Gold Nanoclusters - Mellon College of Science - Carnegie Mellon University

Nonequilibrium band occupation and optical response of gold after ultrafast XUV excitation

News & Events - Mellon College of Science - Mellon College of Science - Carnegie Mellon University

Chemistry - Carnegie Mellon University - Department of Chemistry - Mellon College of Science - Carnegie Mellon University

Interface Fall VOL. 32, NO. 3, Fall 2023 by The Electrochemical Society - Issuu

2016 Annual Report for the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory by National MagLab - Issuu

News - Nanoscale Science Research Centers

Robotics – sciencesprings

Technologies and Applications - eoPortal

Technologies and Applications - eoPortal

News & Events - Mellon College of Science - Mellon College of Science - Carnegie Mellon University

Condensed Matter - Department of Physics - Mellon College of Science - Carnegie Mellon University

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