My Japanese fishing float. Took about 2 years to find one. About 47” diameter and over 13lbs. Mutsu Bay, Aomori, Japan : r/beachcombing


Shots from a recent trip to Japan's northernmost island, Hokkaido : r /flyfishing

Shots from a recent trip to Japan's northernmost island, Hokkaido : r /flyfishing

A Japanese float. They are woven into fishing nets. A somewhat common find in the Pacific Northwest. They were created in all sizes, the larger ones are more rare. : r/interestingasfuck

Tsunami fishing boat from Japan finds new life in B.C.

Found this nice chunk of copper ore (cut and polished) while metal detecting in the Keweenaw (Michigan). : r/metaldetecting

Beach Combing Alaska for Japanese Glass Floats 2018

Vintage Large Japanese Green Glass Fishing Float approx. 38 circumference (LR2

Riding the Waves: Glass Floats from Around the World – Beachcombing Magazine

$ 35.00USD
Score 4.9(121)
In stock
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