Please Mr Magic Fish by Jessica Souhami


Jack and his wife can’t believe their luck when the Magic Fish gives them a pretty little cottage, food to eat and a blue teapot on the table. But they never say thank you and they always wan…

Book reviews - fiction age 2 to 5 (page 20)

Please, Mr Magic Fish — Through the Bookshelf

The Children's Bookshow

The Bookseller - Previews - Please, Mr Magic Fish!

St Joseph's primary pupils get inspired at The Children's Bookshow event in Ramsgate – The Isle Of Thanet News

November 2022 book club picks

Please, Mr Magic Fish!

Please Mr Magic Fish by Jessica Souhami

Buy Please, Mr Magic Fish! by Jessica Souhami With Free Delivery

Please, Mr Magic Fish! by Jessica Souhami - 9781913074111 - Dymocks

CLPE - Our new #PowerOfReading 20/21 list has new expert teaching plans for our #PoR members, including Hello, Friend! by Rebecca Cobb(MacKids Books) and Please, Mr Magic Fish by Jessica Souhami (Otter

Please, Mr Magic Fish! - 2nd Edition By Jessica Souhami (paperback

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