Giant Lawn Shrimp: All You Need to Know for a Thriving Garden - What's That Bug?


Giant lawn shrimp, also known as terrestrial amphipods, are fascinating crustaceans commonly found in gardens and lawns. They inhabit moist areas like the surface of mulch or wet ground, and are usually seen after rainfall when they migrate into garages or under doors of houses 1. Despite their name, these small creatures are not actually Read more

Lawn Shrimp Project Noah

Giant Lawn Shrimp: All You Need to Know for a Thriving Garden - What's That Bug?

Giant Lawn Shrimp: All You Need to Know for a Thriving Garden - What's That Bug?

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Lawn Shrimp, Arcitalitrus sylvaticus (Amphipoda: Talitridae)

26 Beneficial Insects for the Lawn and Garden: How to Identify and Attract Them

Lawn shrimp

Do Lawn Shrimp Bite? Debunking Myths and Clearing Confusion - What's That Bug?

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How to Identify and Control Common Lawn & Garden Pests

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