Sigma Manipulation, Joke Battles Wikia


An ability to manipulate the powerful energy called Sigma. In other words, letting the person becoming sigma. A good example of how a Sigma looks like is how they think independently and not get affected by how society thinks of them. Sigma is mainly used for masculinist subcultures for a popular, successful, but an independent and a self-reliant man. Sigma will have an ability to do the Sigma's face aka Gigachad's face to show their dominance and their own attractiveness. The original creator o

Language Log » AI insults

Ruby Rogues

learner thinking - Science-Education-Research

Who is the most overhyped character in VS battles? - Quora

Sigma Monkey : r/comedyhomicide

Agile Doesn't Mean Endless

Translations & Betrayals

What are some examples of why vs battle wiki shouldn't be trusted? - Quora

How come Xeno Goku loses this fight from what I've seen? : r/deathbattle

vocab.txt · joaobarroca/all-mpnet-base-v2-finetuned-squad-v2-test at main

Steam Workshop::The Dank Snitzle

My Little Pony, OT, An adventure that never will end, Page 28

Fake news - Wikipedia

Accounting for Social, Spatial, and Textual Interconnections

An economist and a biologist test a theory

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