Thresher Shark Fishing in the UK - Rok Max


The thresher shark is instantly recognisable, with it’s extraordinarily long whip-like tail, big eyes, small mouth and large pectoral fins it’s not likely to be confused with anything else. Thresher – The UK’s most enigmatic shark Generally they are a summer visitor to our waters and are mainly caught in the south and
There is a rise in interest for thresher sharks here in the UK - and recently Allan had a day out fishing for these beautiful species. Find out more in his report & guide now!

Thresher Shark Fishing in the UK - Rok Max

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Thresher Shark Fishing in the UK - Rok Max

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Thresher Shark Fishing in the UK - Rok Max

Thresher tsunami! Leaping thresher shark fishing in the UK

$ 26.00USD
Score 4.8(637)
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