👀👀 We have exciting news!!! Animated Lure will appear on ABC's “Shark Tank” on Friday, Oct. 30 at 7 pm CST. Catch them as they swim with the sharks! 🐟🎣


Animated Lure - the world's first self-swimming fishing lure

Animated Lure - the world's first self-swimming fishing lure

Sharks swimming closer to shore, which threatens humans — and sharks

Animated Lure

Animated Lure Tries to Reel In Mr. Wonderful - Shark Tank

Animated Lure on 'Shark Tank': 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Dare to swim with the sharks: Shark Tank opens online casting

Animated Lure - Shark Tank Blog

Animated Lure

Animated Lure - Order Animated Lure now at Animatedlure.com

$ 15.00USD
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