What Does Fast Action Mean on a Fishing Rod?


Looking to outfit yourself with a new fishing rod, but scratching your head trying to figure out what rod action actually means? Don’t worry, we have you covered! A fast action rod bends closer to the tip of the rod blank making your lure more sensitive. To be more specific, the added stiffness of fast action rods makes them less flexible, but more powerful. This helps you reel in heavier fish but requires a little more skill to master. Continue reading to learn about fishing rod action and when it makes sense to go with a fast action rod over the alternatives.  What is Fishing Rod Action Fishing rod action is defined as the rod’s potential to bend and then flex back to its original shape and position. In simple terms, rod action is where on the blank the rod
Looking to outfit yourself with a new fishing rod, but scratching your head trying to figure out what rod action actually means? Don’t worry, we

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